WINTER Dates: February 25, 2025 - April 29th, 2025
Note: This course will be ON DEMAND only this series. You can attend a future course Live with GINA BIEGEL if you are able at no additional charge!
“Gina Biegel is one of the world’s leading experts on helping teenagers manage stress and grow resilient well-being. She has a tremendously caring and nurturing heart. Highly recommended!”
“You will find practical teachings and exercises to help you move from distress to centeredness, from coping to thriving, and from floundering to flourishing. But perhaps most importantly, you will find loving support for your own journey to healing and hope.”
“Gina Biegel has put together an intensive training for professionals interested in helping stressed adolescents find relief and clarity based on her direct experience supporting teens during this challenging time of life. By learning how to help adolescents now, we prepare them for the future they will create not only for them, but for all of us! ”
Bonus Materials: Weekly Packets from the new books The Trauma & Adversity Workbook for Teens and Take in the Good: Skills for Staying Positive & Living Your Best Life .
Second Edition Stress Reduction Workbook This course will provide all the chapters from the 2nd Edition Stress Reduction Workbook for Teens: Mindfulness Skills to Help You Deal With Stress .
Stressed Teens Instructor Manual
Supplemental Instructor Guide
8-Session MBSR-T Curriculum Summary
PowerPoints for all Classes.
New Audio Files over 40 new mindfulness audio practices will be provided.
Be Mindful Card Deck You will learn how to use resources from the Be Mindful: A Card Deck for Teens.
Access to download the aforementioned files digitally.
You can attend a future 10-Session series at no additional charge!
Stressed Teens is Celebrating its 21st year!
February 25th 2025 - april 29th 2025
10:00AM-1130:AM PT
(California time, USA)
16.5 Hours of Live Instruction:
-1.5 hours/10weeks of LIVE in-class time with instructor
-1.5 hours of LIVE experiential group practice with instructor in both dyad and in a large group
13.5 Hours: 1.5 hours/9weeks of didactic course content to be viewed on your own time
10 Weekly Sessions, 3 hours per week
Each week you will receive 3 hours of online training!
15 hours of interactive 2-way voice and video interaction with the creator of Stressed Teens, Gina Biegel MA, LMFT. You will have the opportunity to listen, learn, and practice the interventions in this program.
1.5 hours of experiential group practice: Long Mindfulness Practice, Debrief, and Q&A period.
13.5 hours of pre-recorded educational content that reflects the topics below.
Complimentary Weekly Bonus Materials from The Trauma & Adversity Workbook for Teens: Mindfulness-Based Skills to Overcome & Recover From Prolonged Toxic Stress, Take in the Good: Skills for Staying Positive & Living Your Best Life, Stress Reduction Workbook (Second Edition), Be Mindful Card Deck, Audio CD, Stressed Teens Instructor Manual, and the Stressed Teens Supplemental Instructor Guide all in digital format.
Complimentary Digital 8-Week MBSR-T Overview, Audio CD Transcripts, Practice Session Guide for the Body Scan and the Sitting Mindfulness Practices, all Research Journal Articles and all publications on MBSR-T.
Collateral material: samples flyers, logos, and brochures for you to download and use yourself.
You have access to all course PowerPoints
100s of Audio Practices and transcripts
Recordings are available to view weekly classes to accommodate participants who cannot otherwise attend live.
Course Certificate provided at the end of the training
Group discounts are available for groups of 5 participants or more.
Week 1: About the Stressed Teens Online Program, an Introduction to Positive Neuroplasticity and the Connection to Mindfulness.
Week 2: The Foundations, History, and Research of the MBSR-T Program.
Week 3: Examining and defining the foundations of stress. Providing an introduction to mindfulness.
Week 4: Exploring the effects of stress on the mind and body. Beginning a personal mindfulness practice.
Week 5: Developing and strengthening mindfulness practice. Learning how to increase present-moment awareness.
Week 6: Cultivating self-care and beginning to take in the good. Facilitating awareness of positive experiences and pleasant moments.
Week 7: Noticing, being, and working with thoughts. Facilitating awareness of negative experiences and unpleasant moments.
Week 8: Improving awareness through mindfulness. Utilizing positive coping strategies and behaviors to manage life.
Week 9: Cultivating mindful resilience. Building mindful relationships.
Week 10: Reviewing the MBSR-T program. Assessing mindfulness-based solutions. Making mindfulness a continuing part of daily living.
The Stressed Teens online certificate program is designed for mental health professionals including Counselors, Psychotherapists, Psychologists, Social Workers, Case Managers, Marriage and Family Therapists, Addictions Counselors, Nurses, Occupational Therapists, Speech-Language Pathologists, Educators, School Administrators, Other Mental Health Professionals. Those with background in any or all of the following areas are encouraged to attend: the practice and teaching of mindfulness, personal and professional development, health and well-being, emotional development, and community building. This course is designed at a beginner level.
Learn a little bit about the 10-Week Certificate Program
In order to adequately prepare to be a Stressed Teens Facilitator and Instructor, participants are required to do two things:
1. Attend or view all classes
2. Complete an online course evaluation
The successful completion of 1 and 2 listed above certifies the completing participant to facilitate the full Stressed Teens program as it is to their own clients, attendees, students, and external organizations. Certified Stressed Teen Facilitators are are not able to directly train or certify others without the expressed written permission of Stressed Teens. Successful completion of this certification training does not consider graduates as employees of Stressed Teens and does not guarantee working as a facilitator for Stressed Teens.
CE/CME credits are optional and separate from the Stressed Teens completion requirements described above. For Continuing Education, this course is being offered as a non-live distance learning course. Attendees do not have to participate in the live sessions and can complete the course on their time in order to earn CE credits. However you must view the recorded sessions in order to satisfy CE requirements. This course is approved for 30 non-live distance learning CE credits.
To Learn More about CE/CME Credits Click Here