September 28th-december 7TH, 2021
This is an online CE activity. Attending the live sessions is not mandatory, however you must view the recorded session in order to satisfy CE requirements. This course is approved for non-live distance learning CE credits. To learn more click here.
1.5 Hours Per Week (15 Hours of Instruction) To View LIVE Each Week.
Live Class Week 1: September 28th 2021 1-2:30PM PT
Live Class Week 2: October 5th*, 2021 1-2:30PM PT
Live Class Week 3: October 19th, 2021 1-2:30PM PT
Live Class Week 4: October 26th, 2021 1-2:30PM PT
Live Class Week 5: November 2nd, 2021 1-2:30PM PT
Live Class Week 6: November 9th 2021 1-2:30PM PT
Live Class Week 7: November 16th, 2021 1-2:30PM PT
Live Class Week 8: November 23rd 2021 1-2:30PM PT
Live Class Week 9: November 30th, 2021 1-2:30PM PT
Live Class Week 10: December 7th, 2021 1-2:30PM PT
All course times are listed in Pacific Time (PT)
Note if there is an asterisk (*) it means a skip in consecutive weeks
1.5 Hours of LIVE Practice Instruction
Note: Live Class 5 will be longer in duration to accommodate for this practice session.
Live Practice Session The Body Scan Mindfulness Practice: November 2nd 2021 2:45-4:15 PM PT
1.5 Hours Per Week (13.5 Hours of Instruction)
Live Class Week 1
About the Stressed Teens Online Program, An Introduction to Positive Neuroplasticity, and the Connection to Mindfulness
Live Class Week 2
The Foundations, History, and Research of the MBSR-T Program
Live Class Week 3 MBSR-T Session 1 of 8
Session 1: Examining and defining the foundations of stress. Providing an introduction to mindfulness.
Live Class Week 4 MBSR-T Session 2 of 8
Session 2: Exploring the Effects of Stress on the Mind and Body. Beginning a Personal Mindfulness Practice.
Live Class Week 5 MBSR-T Session 3 of 8
Session 3: Development and Strengthening Mindfulness Practice. Learning How to Increase Present-Moment Awareness.
Live Class Week 6 MBSR-T Session 4 of 8
Session 4: Cultivating Self-Care and Beginning to Take in the Good. Facilitating Awareness of Positive Experiences and Pleasant Moments.
Live Class Week 7 MBSR-T Session 5 of 8
Session 5: Noticing, Being, and Working with Thoughts. Facilitating Awareness of Negative Experiences and Unpleasant Moments.
Live Class Week 8 MBSR-T Session 6 of 8
Session 6: Improving Awareness Through Mindfulness. Utilizing Positive Coping Strategies and Behaviors to Manage Life.
Live Class Week 9 MBSR-T Session 7 of 8
Session 7: Cultivating Mindful Resilience. Building Mindful Relationships.
Live Class Week 10 MBSR-T Session 8 of 8 and Next Steps
Session 8: Reviewing the MBSR-T Program. Assessing Mindfulness-Based Solutions. Making Mindfulness a Continuing Part of Daily Living'
Next Steps: A discussion on how to bring MBSR-T into your life personally and professionally.