Stressed Teens 3-Day Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction for Teens Retreat
march 24-march 26, 2019
Retreat Daily Schedule
7:00AM-7:50AM *Optional Sunrise Yoga
8:00AM-9:00AM Registration, Continental Breakfast Included Each Day
9:00AM-12:00PM Morning Session
12:00PM-1:00PM On-Your-Own Lunch
1:00PM-4:30PM Afternoon Session
Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction for Teens
It’s a high-stress and demanding life for teens today—social life, school, work, and family can easily become overwhelming for adolescents. Many teens are stressed, irritable, angry, in pain, and out of control. Without healthy interventions, they are prone to anxiety, depression, self-harm, and other psychological, and physiological di culties.
Fact: 1 in 5 youth 13-18 years of age have or will have a serious mental illness.
Now that we recognize the problem lets discuss a solution.
Join Gina Biegel, creator of MBSR-T, and Patti Plaza for a five day retreat and get certificated in the Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction for Teens program. You’ll learn the 8-session systematic approach to teaching teen’s mindfulness skills and tools for dealing with stress. Revolutionize your practice, and transform the lives of the teens you work with. The Mindfulness- Based Stress Reduction for Teens Program (MBSR-T) is an evidence-based, efficacious therapeutic treatment in both clinical and non-clinical settings.
By attending this tretreat, you will be able to teach teens how to shift their thinking away from impulsive, thoughtless, and judgmental ways of reacting to life and teach them to mindfully respond. Mindfulness skills provide teens with an anchor and compass to guide them when they feel emotionally dysregulated, stressed, anxious and depressed. Teach teens to live rather than just exist in an ever- increasing multi-media stimulated technological environment.
MBSR-T will help teens:
- Shift from reactivity and impulsivity to thoughtful responding
- Move from feeling powerless to feeling a sense of agency and control
- More accurately perceive and appraise stressful situations
- Decrease negative harmful judgments
- Increase positive coping strategies and decrease self-harming thinking and behaviors
- Increase and maintain an overall sense of health and well-being
During the Retreat
Topics to be Discussed:
MBSR-T Foundations: About the Stressed Teens Program, an Introduction to Positive Neuroplasticity and the Connection to Mindfulness. The Foundations, History, and Research of the MBSR-T Program.
MBSR-T Session 1: Examining and defining the foundations of stress. Providing an introduction to mindfulness.
MBSR-T Session 2: Exploring the effects of stress on the mind and body. Beginning a personal mindfulness practice.
MBSR-T Session 3: Developing and strengthening mindfulness practice. Learning how to increase present-moment awareness.
MBSR-T Session 4: Cultivating self-care and beginning to take in the good. Facilitating awareness of positive experiences and pleasant moments.
MBSR-T Session 5: Noticing, being, and working with thoughts. Facilitating awareness of negative experiences and unpleasant moments.
MBSR-T Session 7: Improving awareness through mindfulness. Utilizing positive coping strategies and behaviors to manage life.
MBSR-T Session 9: Cultivating mindful resilience. Building mindful relationships.
Concluding: Reviewing the MBSR-T program. Assessing mindfulness-based solutions. Making mindfulness a continuing part of daily living.
Session Content:
- Session Purpose and Intentions
- Mindfulness Defined
- Mechanism of Change
- Teen Takeaway
- Key Mindfulness Interventions
- Key Adolescent-Specific Interventions
- Key Interventions Not Otherwise Specified
- Focused Session Learning Objectives
- Session Table
- Be Mindful Card Deck to use in a given session
- On-Your-Own Practices (OYOPs): suggested and optional
3-Day Retreat Learning Objectives
1. Determine specific mindfulness techniques to shift from reactivity and impulsivity to thoughtful responding.
2. Articulate the essential core components of the MBSR-T program as they relate to clinical treatment.
3. Implement the curriculum in the MBSR-T program and practice clinical interventions from all of the 8-sessions.
4. Apply the guided instruction for the central formal mindfulness interventions in the MBSR-T program.
5. Employ the 4-step mindful check-in to better understand teen’s stressors; and connect appropriate MBSR-T interventions to manage them.
6. Simulate the steps in conducting the dropping-in, body scan, sitting, walking, yoga, heartfulness and gratitude mindfulness practices.
7. Develop the ability to communicate the effectiveness of all formal mindfulness practices learned in MBSR-T.
8. Establish mindfulness techniques that increase teen’s present moment functioning and living.
9. Communicate how mindfulness creates a pause between a stimulus and response, which improves teen’s ability to respond to stress rather than reacting.
10. Evaluate the use of interpersonal mindfulness in facilitating effective communication and increasing awareness in teens.
11. Utilize calendars with teens to improve awareness of pleasant and unpleasant moments, as well as to track self-harming behaviors.
12. Ascertain the role of the media, social networking, and the use of mindfulness practices on the development of the adolescent.
13. Determine ways the MBSR-T program assists teens to take in the good, create positive experiences, and turn them into lasting resources.
14. Evaluate techniques such as mindful communication, acceptance, trust, and letting-go for building positive and beneficial relationships with self and others.
15. Incorporate skills such as letting go and gratitude to teach teens the importance of, and ways to cultivate, self-care.
16. Establish interventions that can be used in teen’s daily life to facilitate maintenance and growth of the MBSR-T program.
17. Explore the recent advances in neuroscience, neuroplasticity, and mindfulness on the developing teenage brain.
18. Document the evidence-based research on MBSR-T including latest studies in order to better inform choice of clinical intervention.
Session-by-Session Specifics of the MBSR-T Eight-Session Program for Retreatants
MBSR-T Session 1 of 8
Session 1: Examining and defining the foundations of stress. Providing an introduction to mindfulness.
MBSR-T Session 2 of 8
Session 2: Exploring the Effects of Stress on the Mind and Body. Beginning a Personal Mindfulness Practice.
MBSR-T Session 3 of 8
Session 3: Development and Strengthening Mindfulness Practice. Learning How to Increase Present-Moment Awareness.
MBSR-T Session 4 of 8
Session 4: Cultivating Self-Care and Beginning to Take in the Good. Facilitating Awareness of Positive Experiences and Pleasant Moments.
MBSR-T Session 5 of 8
Session 5: Noticing, Being, and Working with Thoughts. Facilitating Awareness of Negative Experiences and Unpleasant Moments.
MBSR-T Session 6 of 8
Session 6: Improving Awareness Through Mindfulness. Utilizing Positive Coping Strategies and Behaviors to Manage Life.
MBSR-T Session 7 of 8
Session 7: Cultivating Mindful Resilience. Building Mindful Relationships.
MBSR-T Session 8 of 8 and Next Steps
Session 8: Reviewing the MBSR-T Program. Assessing Mindfulness-Based Solutions. Making Mindfulness a Continuing Part of Daily Living'
Next Steps: A discussion on how to bring MBSR-T into your life personally and professionally.