

Typically schools complete two lessons per week to fit the curriculum into one semester or one lesson per week to spread learning over two semesters.

New this year, we offer 6 varying program sequencing options for disseminating this program.

Options for how this program is taught:

  • Traditional Format: 3-Lessons Per Week: 2 Mindfulness-Centered SEL and 1 Mindful Movement Lesson

  • 2-Lessons Per Week: 1 Mindfulness-Centered SEL and 1 Mindful Movement Lesson

  • Mindfulness-Centered SEL Only:

    • 2 SEL Per Week

    • 1 SEL Per Week

  • Mindful Movement Lessons Only

Click Here to Learn More About All the New Bonus Content and Manuals Available

Registration permits access to the Whole School Program materials for approximately one year. There are two cohorts every year. You will be put in the Cohort that provides you with the most amount of time. At the end of your term you can choose to renew access if you want. The registration is good for one school registration. If you are interested in registering multiple schools or a district please contact







  1. Sense Awareness /Mindful Eating Take a Mindful Bite

  2. Mindful of Hobbies: The Role of Informal Mindfulness Practice

  3. Mindful Qualities

  4. Take a Break with the 3Bs: Body, Breathe, Begin & Your Thoughts in One-Minute or Less

  5. Mindful Check-In: Your Highs and Lows

  6. Dropping-In Mindfulness Practice and Mindfulness Practice Debrief

  7. Grounding Yourself: Grounding Focal Points & Mindful Walking and Photograph

  8. Zooming Out and Zooming In: Shifting Your Perspective

  9. Your Stress Waves

  10. Ride the Waves: Manage Your Stress

  11. Take in the Good: Doing What You Enjoy

  12.  Pleasant Life Moments, Your Basic Needs, & Getting Your Needs Met

  13. Your Fundamental Needs and Fundamental Needs Assessment

  14. Positive Self-Care Activities to Resource Yourself

  15. Self-Care Water Bottle & The Road Map to Taking in the Good

  16. Positive Coping Skills & Negative Coping Behaviors

  17. Developing a Mindfulness Practice & The Sitting Body-Scan Practice

  18. Plant Seeds and Pull Weeds & A Brief Sitting Practice

  19. Mindful Self-Care: Levels of Self-Care

  20. Train of Thought: Railroad Practice & Don't Believe Everything You Think!

  21. Take a Mindful Pause: Manage Difficulties and Concerns

  22. Mindful Downtime

  23. What is Positive Neuroplasticity and Take in Beneficial Experiences with HOT

  24. The Playlists of Your Life: Your Happy Jams and Chill Tunes

  25. Feeling Your Feelings: Don't Get Prickly

  26. The 5Gs: Be in An Attitude of Gratitude

  27. Your Heart Space: A Mindfulness Practice

  28. Little Thank You Notes: Act of Kindness

  29. Let it Go Box

  30. Celebrating Being Perfectly Imperfect

  31. The Gratitude Tree: Big Gs and Little Gs

  32. Rise Strong and Be a Survivor Credo


  1. Be Open and Curious

  2. Breathe and Be

  3. Stretch and De-Stress

  4. Ground Yourself

  5. Ride the Waves

  6. Twist and Turn

  7. Be Kind to Yourself

  8. Experimenting with New Movements

  9. Flexible Mind and Body

  10. Rinse, Repeat, Recalibrate

  11. Leaning Into Discomfort

  12. Savoring Your Senses

  13. Attitude of Gratitude

  14. Compassion Flow

  15. Let it Go Let it Flow

  16. Rising Resilient


Mindfulness-Centered Social-Emotional Learning Program for Teens, Educators, and Parents

Whole School Mindfulness-Based Social-Emotional Learning SEL Program for Youth. This program includes 48 total lessons—32 Mindfulness-Centered Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) Lessons and 16 Mindful-Movement SEL Lessons. All 48 lessons bring together mindfulness, social-emotional learning, and positive neuroplasticity. This program is designed for students, but can be used and accessed by their entire community. The access is for an entire year.