Rolling with the “Unplanned” Holiday Time 12/24/17


Screech…. On Monday, our week came to a complete (and definitely unplanned) halt!  “That-time-of-year flu” hit at an unexpected and totally inopportune time, and it hit hard.  The doctor’s office was booked and couldn’t see our kids. Why is it common that when students, teachers, and parents finally anticipate getting an opportunity to take a treasured break, their immune systems stop them in their tracks?

If we’re honest with ourselves, the beloved and highly anticipated holiday season can be overwhelming, if we let it. When an unfortunate roadblock presents itself, especially when we don’t feel we have the time to diverge from our planned path, how do we handle it? 

Roll with it.  Recalibrate. We can’t completely choreograph our journey, but learning to expect the unexpected can help us navigate the unplanned.  Sometimes, the best we can do is stay centered with our two feet firmly grounded. Once we’re on equal footing, we are better equipped to adapt and adjust to the events that try to take us off our intended path. As our kids are in their beds, struggling with a fever, stomachache, and headache, the words they utter are, “I have to get back to school, I can’t miss.”  So, we take a deep breath and begin a version of the “roll-with-it-speech”....  We can’t do anything about it now…. When you’re feeling better, you’ll do the best you can to get caught up….. The endless worrying now, doesn’t help your body heal, and the added stress, doesn’t help your mind feel better.... Take care of yourself.

As we look ahead to the winter break, we happily anticipate having time to recharge and refill our tanks. The upcoming break gives us all a much-needed opportunity to make time and space for quiet, time to “be present” with ourselves and others, time to reach out to those we miss and haven’t connected with in a while.

We wish you a very beautiful and meaningful holiday season.  Treasure the relationships that surround you, roll with the moments that take you off your planned path, and help your children find ways to do the same.


Want a Happier Holiday (Slate, 12/20/2017).

How stress affects your brain (Madhumita Murgia, TED-Ed, 2015, 4:15 mins)




Crazy Busy: A (Mercifully) Short Book about a (Really) Big Problem by Kevin DeYoung (2013). “Valuable advice… Too busy to read this book? Then you really need to.” USA Today










Celebrating being perfectly imperfect,
