Mosaics: A Celebration of Individuality and Imperfection
How do you treat yourself? When was the last time you cared for yourself in the moment? Whether by getting fresh air, enjoying a movie or some couch time, taking some create, walking with our dogs, working with your hands, doing yoga or working out at the gym, surfing or hiking, or even savoring a homemade cookie with our coffee, there are many ways to fill our personal tanks with things that fuel us.
Fortunately, neuroscience research is now making significant contributions to our understanding of what leads to greater happiness, learning and well-being. Current research supports that self-care and self-compassion are as vital to our well-being as getting enough sleep and exercise, eating a healthy diet, and making time for those we care about. Finding the balance that works for us and our families is the key.
“Parenting well depends on paying attention to our own wellness and making it a priority. When we practice good self-care, we have the emotional capacity to handle the challenges parenting presents, to live with the uncertainty that is inevitable in any great undertaking, and to give generously to the people we love without depleting ourselves in the process.” Michele Gordon Johnson
This week, we overheard a comment about how our minds, “... are like a mosaic.” A mosaic is putting together a variety of colors shapes and imperfect sizes of tile, glass, stone that come together to form works of art. This resonated with us and we started to apply the idea of a mosaic to our kids, our families and our schools. Each is made up of so many beautiful colors, emotions, actions, and intentions, and we come together while maintaining our individuality and imperfections. We are each unique and collective works of art.
Let’s fill our tanks, show ourselves love and self-compassion, celebrate our own and our kids’ individuality, accept our challenges, and appreciate the incredible mosaics we are and create together.
Some inspiration and resources to guide us in celebrating our challenges while filling our tanks:
Self-Care and Well-Being: What You Need to Know Start Your Wellness Journey (2017)
Developing a self-care plan (ReachOut Australia, 2017)
How the Science of Well-Being Is Evolving (Greater Good Science Center, 2017)
4 Ways You Can Start Treating Yourself Better Today: Start by acting like you're someone who really matters. (Psychology Today, 2016)
Perfectly Imperfect,